
It is my mission to guide ambitious, bold women

to transform their self-love & confidence,

so they can LOVE their life fully!


Here’s the truth:

You can wake up each morning excited.

You can accept & forgive yourself so you can own and love who you are.

You’ve experienced hardships and painful periods but you can catalyze all of the pain into gold to use as your powerful fuel for life.

But, you might not think so…

I know you are craving what you see others living:

  • their effortless ability to own who they are & walk confidently through life

  • doing work that lights their soul on fire

  • enjoying their days, feeling excited about their current & upcoming plans

  • experiencing enjoying new and fun hobbies

  • loving their lives

But, you don’t think it’s possible for you. You get lost in the comparison black hole everyday as you scroll Instagram. You don’t trust your journey. You feel like time has already passed and you missed the boat.

Guess what? That is NOT the truth.

YOU are worthy of all of your desires!


Working with me as your coach, our sessions are intimate and deeply empowering.

Together we transform mindset blocks, negative self-talk and lack of confidence into your biggest opportunity.

The opportunity to heal, to accept and to grow.

To courageously face your past and no longer give it power over you.

To trust in your journey, past and future and know that it is happening for your greatest good.

To allow yourself to move forward, whether they are baby steps or giant leaps.

To fully love yourself so you can be the woman you envision.

She is already inside of you, waiting to be loved.

Hi, I’m Michaela!

I’m the self-love coach for ambitious and bold women who are ready to remove the blocks standing in their way so they can finally feel in love with their life (including their relationships & job)!

I work closely with you as you step into an elevated version of yourself that is confident, powerful and exuberant!

I have an extensive background in positive psychology including a B.A. This might be why I love deep conversations and the look in someone’s eyes when they truly feel understood.

I’m a believer in living a life you truly love, even if you’ve been through a difficult journey where it doesn’t seem possible just like I have. Read more below…



Ready to transform? Let’s work together.






On The Blog